EHIG did it for RP!

Now, I am very proud to be a member of this EHIG. We decided to take part in "Security Awareness for Everyone(SAFE) 2014" competition in association with Ministry of Home Affairs(MHA) for the very first time from our IG. So, it was last year that we submitted a proposal about the Electronics Signboard. Of course, there were a lot of categories to choose for the competition but our IG is Electronics Hobby IG so we chose something that is related to Electronics. Our proposal was quite simple and we did not even expect to be nominated. Surprisingly, after a few months later, we have been emailed that we were selected for the competition and had been assigned a mentor named "Mr.Kenneth" from Singapore Police Force! WoW! That was the time that we have been pumped up and we have worked on it pretty seriously. Even we had a semester break for one and a half month, some of our committee members went back to their respective countries like China, Myanmar, for o...