Lee Hsien Loong Interactive Digital Media (LHL-IDM) Smart Nation Award 2021

Lee Hsien Loong Interactive Digital Media Smart Nation Award (LHL-IDM Smart Nation Award) 2021 The LHL-IDM Smart Nation Award for 2021 was won by a group of students from the Republic Polytechnic - School of Engineering (RP-SEG). This award is to recognize full-time polytechnic students who have completed Interactive Digital Media projects that fulfil the Smart Nation vision of harnessing technology to improve the lives of citizens, create more opportunities, and build stronger communities. The team, from SEG-DEEE and Electronics IG, developed a Smart AI Detector system that combines commonly required functions of face recognition, with mask detection, thermal scanning, safety headgear detection and cigarette detection. The Smart AI Detector is based on the open-source program Yolov5 model, which takes in commonly available form inputs like image files, videos, online streaming or live videos from a camera or CCTV video feeds. The software captures video feeds from the camera frame...