Mr.EHIG's Traffic Light Workshop

This is the first ever activity of Mr.EHIG. We managed to build up the TRAFFIC LIGHT using the Parallax Microcontroller Board combine with simple programming code. It held on 26/07/2011(Tuesday).

Explanation of "What we gonna do today" by Htet Paing Aung
Explanation of "What is breadboard?" by Kyaw Min Thu

Explanation of "Codes" by Min Htet Aung
Start to observe the parallax micro-controller board
Member: "Oh! My one is working or not?"
Good Team Work~!!!!
Attachment of IG members and IG committee members~!!!!
View of Lab room and Our members...
Oh!!! Finally, our members all finish their circuits~!!!
Well Done Guyssssss..............
Group Photo of IG committee members and IG members~!!!!
We all had wonderful time! =) =)

Thanks a lot guys~!!!! We are preparing for the next workshop as u all wish~!!! Pass your experience of this workshop to your friends and we hope to see you all again in the next workshop~!!!
:) :) :)


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