Fly with EHIG

Hi everyone! Long time no see ~~

We had run a big project. The title for this project is "Fly with EHIG". It was really amazing!. Guess what we did!

Just like the title giving, we did fly with EHIG by using LED KITE ….
It was a 3 day project with 2 day workshops and 1 day outing.

On the first day, 6/12/12
We as the committee members let the participants do the soldering. Let’s look at some of the photos..  

On the second day, 7/12/12
Since we are flying with EHIG, we need the kite. The participants designed the LED on the kite together with the PCB board and battery.
It was fun on that day too..

Here come the last day, 10/12/12
We set off to the Marine Barrage to fly the colorful LED kite. We had pizza and drink deliciously. After that we fly the kites and play some games. We also happened to visit to the water museum. On way back on bus, our ex-president gave his short speech. Then we still had lucky draw before we say good bye.

This will be the end of our story.
Hope you see u again soon
Have a nice Christmas and happy new year!


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