EHIG Welcome Tea 2014

New school year started, it is the time of the year again; we are looking for fresh faces in RP. We exhibited photos taken at various EHIG events on our booth located in the Agora hall of RP during the CCA Fiesta.

Seniors introducing the IG

Having caught the attention of many freshmen, they stopped to watch. They also listened attentively as the friendly seniors standing around the booth shared their thoughts on the club. In the end most of them registered to join the IG and RSVP-ed for the welcome tea organised for them after the fiesta. The sharing of same interest brought us together, we are glad to have 47 new members joined our big family!

Welcome Tea 2014

The welcome tea was held in W23D, one of the many labs under School of Engineering. It is an annual event serving to invite new members into the IG and also to allow interaction among existing members with light-hearted fun. The response was so good that almost the lab was filled! The tea session commenced with a presentation showing photos taken at past events. Official events such as the electronic-based workshops, competitions and Silver Lining Carnival were featured. Also, to bond our IG family, we also went out on Outings together.

Happy faces reminiscing of old times

In life, all good things come with hard work. We should not forget the people who sacrificed their time for the IG. Thanks to them, our IG runs smoothly. Traditionally, the main committee is introduced to the audience every welcome tea. Every committee member gave a short introduction of themselves and a brief description of their roles in the hierarchy. This section is also beneficial for the recruitment of subcommittee this academic year.

We are horned to have our previous committee members to share their vision of our IG, appreciate their effort for our IG! It was a heartwarming sight to see new faces smiling at the photos and the seniors reminiscing their happy times.

Mini Workshop - Circuit Building

After the Ice-breaking games, members had a trailer of our regular workshop, with the help of seniors, our freshmen had their very first lab session in RP. Everyone started off working with their neighbors. We hope our IG could also give a sight to the 1st year students, to know how will their future modules to be, and also, since all of our IG members are from DEEE, we wish more freshmen from CEP could choose to join us in the 2nd semester!

Thank you everyone for joining us for Welcome Tea

To cap it off, everyone bonded over the spread of refreshments provided outside the room. It was a perfect end to the meet. 


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