Make a Robot Alive!

                “Make a Robot Alive!” is one of the awesome workshops that our EHIG holds annually. In this workshop, all the members of EHIG are invited to participate and learn how to program a robot to make it alive, move around and dodge the obstacles.

Instructions giving session

                In this session, our kind and helpful committee members, Ming Xiang and Qing Qing, gave instructions to the students who joined the workshop starting from how to install the software that controls the cute robot until the details of controlling every part of the robot. They explained very patiently and clearly on how to deal with the programming like real facis and the students were also listening attentively to them.

Let’s Try Out!

                After the instruction session, our instructors give a scenario to all the students to try out their robots by applying what they have grasped in the instructions giving session. We have distributed five robots to five teams and five or six students in a team worked together in order to make their robot alive and dance beautifully. The rest of our friendly committee members also joined and help each team to make sure everyone can make the robot alive.

                Finally, everybody was familiar with the robot and they not only felt pleased to learn this simple programming but also found happiness from working together as a team and playing around with their own programmed robots. 


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