Days are swift as an arrow, flying like a shooting star. It's time once again to decorate the room for Christmas party and bid farewell to our senior committee members as Christmas is coming.  

History does not repeat itself, but it does often rhyme. Though location of the party is the same as last year, the new friends that we welcome and the old friends that we farewell are not the same anymore. Last year our seniors prepared the party for their seniors and us. And it is our turn to say goodbye to them and welcome the future of our IG. Therefore, we prepare this party with all of our heart.  

This is our Christmas tree. It is very special, isn't it? We make use of all the resources that we have and our creativity to prepare for the party. 

Before the party start, our committee were checking the circuitry that we will use later in the Solar House building activity. 

First of all, committees were sharing their experiences and introduce our project design to all the audience. 

After that, we proceed to our game session! :D
This game were create by our committee, it's actually about how to use the material we gave combine with electronic. We can build the things up with our imagination.

Here are some of the photo during the Christmas party.

At the last but not least, hope you enjoy our Christmas Party and thanks for coming! Hope to see you all soon on :)


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