Update: Regarding new EIG Committee and upcoming available events

Greetings to all followers of the Electronics Hobby Interest Group (EHIG) blogs. We thank you and appreciate for following this blog.

This blog is written in order to renew the information regarding the new committee members of EHIG and update the future activities, hosted by the IG.
Let’s get started by looking into the new committee members first.

New EIG committee members
This blog primarily functioned as a media to promote the club through updating its daily activities and events. To shape the promotion to its brim, providing sufficient information regarding the club is essential. 

Thus, it will be necessary to develop the popularity of EHIG by listing down the names, followed by photos and brief information regarding the new EXCO members. 

AY2020 Incoming Committee
Head Of Finance

  • Current Year 3 student, from Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DEEE).
  • Interest: Like to spend time with friends such as playing computer games together when free. Also interested in watching comedy shows for relaxation. 
  • Motto: "Do what you like and do it with 100% effort."

Head Of Welfare

Personal info
  • Current Year 2 student from Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DEEE)
  • Interest: Watching drama and Reading
  • Motto: "Dare to dream big."

Head Of Events

Personal Info
  • Current Year 2 student from Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DEEE)
  • Interest: Like playing console games, watching comedy and action movies, which can make his life colourful and cheer himself up
  • Motto: "Work hard, play hard"

Head Of Media  

Personal Info
  • Current Year 2 student from Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DEEE)
  • Interests: Learning everything that is new to him, reading, gaming, sketching and brainstorm everything from his mind. He doesn't mind following some drama as long as it is entertaining and informative. 
  • Motto: "Life can be short in any time, therefore do whatever we could not create prolong regrets. Age Quod Agis. "

Assistant Head of Media 
Personal Info
  • Current Year 2 student from Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DEEE)
  • Interests: Usually enjoy playing simulator games, watching Formula 1 and building hobby kits.
  • Motto: "Work hard because it will all be worth in the end."

Assistant Head of Welfare
Personal Info
  • Current Year 2 Student from Diploma in Engineering Design with Business (DEDB)
  • Interests: Like to play computer games and go for a workout during free time. Loves to watch Netflix and enjoy free time.
  • Life motto: "The harder you work for something, the greater you'll feel when you achieve it."

With that being stated about the EIG Committee Members, it is time to see the events that have been organised.

Are there any activities or events available in the near future? If so, when and where it held at, by the club?

Since COVID 19 cases remain uncertain, no physical activities will be held in school, with consideration of everyone's health and safety. 

EIG understands how you feel, and everyone has to go through this until it is resolved.

Well, there is great news – we will be hosting some activities in the near future while maintaining health regulations.  

You might ask, "I thought there are no longer any activities as long as COVID 19 is still yet to be under control? If any activities are organised, how can we maintain social distancing?"

Yup, PHYSICAL activities have been seized. That is why for the first time in the history of EIG, we are holding an Online Workshop.    


The club had decided to hold some activities through Microsoft Teams. We will send an email invitation and more reminders to your digital mailbox, so keep an eye on that. After all, you would not want to miss more of interesting workshops.

Here's the activity list!
Second AI-based Human Behaviour Detection workshop (Officially Open)

Are you interested in Artificial Intelligence? And also, more about the related applications of AI like AI detection system?
Do you like to know how to build the entire AI system with your hands, without required much knowledge of programming?
If you are interested in the above, then come join us in this workshop and stand a chance to win something for yourself!

Date: 17 December 2020, Wednesday
Time: 7pm - 9pm (approximately)
Location: MS Team
Registration Link: NULL*

*There is no registration link provided for the workshop. There will be an email to notify about the event. 

Alright then. Thanks, fellows. It is an honour to have you all to read and follow. We will continue to provide more relevant information in the near future. See you again!

P.s. Here a question to leave here:

"How long have you subscribed to this EHIG club's blogs? Share your reasons and the relevant story behind them. "


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