
Showing posts from 2021

Few-Shot Learning for vehicle footprint recognition - ICME 2021

Few-Shot Learning for Vehicle Footprint Recognition An SEG DEEE team won 3rd Prize at the Grand Challenge "Few-Shot Learning for Vehicle Footprint Recognition" o f IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) -  International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2021.  ICME has been the flagship multimedia conference sponsored by four IEEE societies since 2000.This award is to recognize participants who can be either university students, graduated researchers, or from industries with great research ideas on the topic of “few-shot learning” (A branch from AI) to aid with the specific problem of tire pattern image classification and retrieval for the use of traffic accident management. Due to covid19, the grand challenge of ICME 2021 was held online . The team, from SEG-DEEE and Electronics IG, developed an AI model and published it under the name “Pix2Pt Map for Transfer-Based Few-Shot Learning” which acts as a convenient tire classification model to aid in the...

Lee Hsien Loong Interactive Digital Media (LHL-IDM) Smart Nation Award 2021

Lee Hsien Loong Interactive Digital Media Smart Nation Award (LHL-IDM Smart Nation Award) 2021 The LHL-IDM Smart Nation Award for 2021 was won by a group of students from the Republic Polytechnic - School of Engineering (RP-SEG). This award is to recognize full-time polytechnic students who have completed Interactive Digital Media projects that fulfil the Smart Nation vision of harnessing technology to improve the lives of citizens, create more opportunities, and build stronger communities. The team, from SEG-DEEE and Electronics IG, developed a Smart AI Detector system that combines commonly required functions of face recognition, with mask detection, thermal scanning, safety headgear detection and cigarette detection. The Smart AI Detector is based on the open-source program Yolov5 model, which takes in commonly available form inputs like image files, videos, online streaming or live videos from a camera or CCTV video feeds. The software captures video feeds from the camera frame...

1st Place - South East Asia Programmable Logic Controller (SEA PLC) Design Competition 2021

South East Asia Programmable Logic Controller Design Competition 2021 The "South East Asia Programmable Logic Controller Design Competition" was held on the 10th July 2021, organized by Republic Polytechnic (RP), in partnership with  Asia Pacific University (APU) and Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Malaysia.  The PLC competition was held especially for the Year 3 students who have taken the "E243 Automation Systems" module at RP. The purpose of the competition was to cultivate teamwork, allow the students from South East Asia to use their imagination and analytical skills to invent, design and turn ideas into products. A total of 29 teams from Singapore and Malaysia have participated in this competition in 2 categories – Degree and Diploma. There were 8 students who participated from RP under 2 teams of 4 each, led by lecturer Ms. Elven Kee. The competition was held on MS Teams with a duration of 4 hours which included the solutions, simulations and pres...

Arduino Bluetooth Robot Car Workshop I

  Electronic Interest Group (EIG) would like to extend our sincerest thanks to all the participants in our workshop held on the 29th July 2021 (Thursday) on Arduino Based Bluetooth Robot Car using Microsoft Teams due to the prevailing COVID situation. A special thanks to advisors Mr Caleb Tan ,Dr Jiang Lijun and our all our EXCOS for organizing this event for all the students of Republic Polytechnic (RP). We hope all the participants learned about basic knowledge of Arduino programming and wire connections through the simulations done through "Adobe TinkerCAD" platform.. We managed to attract over 30 participants which is great achievement considering this being the first event for the New Executive Committee. We are looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming events soon.

Newly Appointed EXCO Committee Member 2021

      Hello Everyone!!! Welcome our newly appointed EIG EXCO Committee for 2021. Due to Covid-19 restrictions we didn't have the chance to take a group photo. But not to worry, the new committee is working on some new workshops for this semester 😄.   

AI-based Human Behavior Detection Workshop III

  AI-based Human Behavior Detection Workshop III 3rd Virtual Workshop held on 26th March 2021 Figure 1: 11 th  Executive Committee  Figure 2: Opening Words by Dr. Eric Teo Figure 3: Speech by Dr. Eric Teo Dr. Teo had mentioned the pandemic in 2020 and how it impacted all matters in the polytechnic. Despite that, most of the school clubs and interest groups like Electronic Interest Group had overcome and transformed the activities into virtual, online events. He stated that RP-School Of Engineering and relevant clubs like EIG had accomplished great achievements, for instance, the former achievements made in previous workshops and competitions to the recent online workshops about Artificial Intelligence(AI), which is enlightening.  Figure 4: Group Photo, taken by Lek Chen Ping After the speech, the photo is taken together with EXCO members and the participants. With the photo taken by CP, the first event of the workshop begins.  Figure 5: Zi Shuo & Yu Song's s...