AI-based Human Behavior Detection Workshop III


AI-based Human Behavior Detection Workshop III

3rd Virtual Workshop held on 26th March 2021

Figure 1: 11th Executive Committee 

Figure 2: Opening Words by Dr. Eric Teo

Figure 3: Speech by Dr. Eric Teo

Dr. Teo had mentioned the pandemic in 2020 and how it impacted all matters in the polytechnic. Despite that, most of the school clubs and interest groups like Electronic Interest Group had overcome and transformed the activities into virtual, online events. He stated that RP-School Of Engineering and relevant clubs like EIG had accomplished great achievements, for instance, the former achievements made in previous workshops and competitions to the recent online workshops about Artificial Intelligence(AI), which is enlightening. 

Figure 4: Group Photo, taken by Lek Chen Ping

After the speech, the photo is taken together with EXCO members and the participants. With the photo taken by CP, the first event of the workshop begins. 

Figure 5: Zi Shuo & Yu Song's sharing of information about FYP tips and related suggestion

Figure 6: Header Page

Figure 7: Slide about how to form an FYP team

Figure 8:  Slide about select FYP topic

Figure 9:  Suggestion for FYP(I)

Figure 10:  Suggestion for FYP(II)

Figure 11:  Suggestion for FYP(III)

Figure 12:  Suggestion for FYP(IV)

Figure 12:  Suggestion for FYP(V)

Figure 12:  Suggestion for FYP(VI)

Figure 12:  Suggestion for FYP(VII)

Figure 13:  Suggestion for FYP(VIII)

Figure 14:  Suggestion for FYP(IX)

After all tips and suggestions about the Final Year Project in Year 3, the next section of the workshop - What is Python? 

Figure 14:  About Python(I)

Figure 15:  Related application & companies that using Python in their system

Figure 16:  Comparison between C++ and Python

Figure 17: Programming (C++ version)


Figure 18: Programming (Python version)

Figure 18: Popularity of both programming language

Figure 19: Introducing the concept of AI

Figure 20: Concept of Neural Networks

Figure 21: Simpler Concept of Neural Networks

Figure 22: Direction of Neural Networks(1)

Figure 23: Direction of Neural Networks(II)

Figure 24: Introducing YOLO v5 and its applications

Figure 25: Advantages and Disadvantages of YOLO v5

After the section about programming language like Python and introducing the application of AI Human Detection System like YOLOv5, the next section of the workshop is about the introduction of OpenVSLAM and GUI. 

Figure 25: Open VSLAM and GUI Introduction, by Wang Yu Song

Figure 26: Heading Page of PowerPoint Slide - Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Object Detection

After the last session about the AI Human Detection system, including the programming languages it required and software that it required and flowcharts, the next session of this workshop is Kahoot Quiz!

Congrats to Sui Jinzhou, TJK, and Benjamin N! The prize will be sent through physical mails to the respective participants' home addresses. 

The event ended officially at 8:41pm, 26 March 2021.


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