Welcome Tea 2016

EHIG Welcome Tea was held on 26th May at W23D.

Welcome all freshies!!!

          The first part of the welcome tea was the presentation done by our president. In the presentation, an overview of our IG was shared to new members. We shared the objective of our IG, the activities and competitions we took part in, and of course, the introduction of committee members!  We also showed the S2 robot to our new members!

Our president WangYing!!

Our committee member Junhao is sharing the driver of the S2 robot
       Next part is the ice-breaking game time! IG's committee joined with new members to play games together. It seems that the game called "squat squat squat" is the most funny game as laughter keeped going on during the game. All members enjoyed this game! 

Committee are introducing rules of games


"squat squat squat" ice-breaking game
      We also invited 2015's committee to join the welcome tea! Awards were given to 2015's committee members during welcome tea. Thanks to their last year's effort!

2015's president Haoran and our IG's advisor Mr. Caleb

2015's committee member Kaiming

   Last but not least, the delicious PIZZA!! 

Group photo

Thank you all for joining EHIG!!


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