Arduino Bluetooth Robot Car Workshop II

Electronics Interest Group (EIG) would like to extend our sincerest thanks to all 20 participants who had joined our December

workshop session while paying our apologies for the remains who are unable to come for the workshop due to the COVID-19


A special thanks to our advisors Mr Caleb Tan, Dr Jiang Li Jun, and all of our EXCO members for organizing such an astonishing hands-on workshop. 

Arduino Bluetooth Robot Car Workshop II is the first physical workshop that has ever been held since the beginning of the pandemic. The event happened on 16th December (Thursday), starting at 10.30 am and ending at 4 pm. The location is laboratory W23A, in Republic Polytechnic.

The objective of the workshop is to gather, team up and enable all participating students to collaborate in the hands-on Robot Cars construction. 

Before attending the workshop, the participants are required to download two software on their smart devices, which are Arduino IDE (for computer) and Arduino Bluetooth Controller (for smartphone). 

During the event, our EXCO members had introduced all robot car entrants with basic ideas on what is required to build an

Arduino-based Robot Car. The explanation included the source code, relevant electronic circuitry, and simple mechanical

structures to hold the micro-controllers and related sensors like the HC-06 Bluetooth module. 

Meanwhile, we had provided them with an instruction paper for reference and assistance from the participating EXCO

members on the day, if any difficulties should they encountered. 

Below are the images that took on the day:

Thus, this concluded the details of Arduino Bluetooth Robot Car Workshop II.

We hope all participants on the day had enlightened from the workshop and were able to become an inspiration in their future engineering-related projects, especially in automated vehicles or simple robot building and micro-controller programming. 

Once again, thanks to all participants and congratulate to the winning team on the day!

We will see you all again in 2022! 

EIG wished you a Happy Christmas and have a Happy New Year!


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