Merit Prize in Engineering Innovation Challenge 2021

Engineering Innovation Challenge 2021 is the competition held in the period between August and November 2021, organised by the Institution of Engineer in Singapore (IES), Singapore Nuclear Research & Safety Initiative by the National University of Singapore (NUS), and Singapore Science Centre. 

It is held for all Singapore students who are interested in the relevant field of STEM. The competition was to provide opportunities for innovation to all students from Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges, Polytechnics, and ITEs. This allows them to collaborate with professional engineering and business mentors to design or invent a product to demonstrate their engineering skills.

There were 8 students represented from RP under 2 teams, which consists 1 leader and around 3 to 4 members per team, under ITE and Polytechnic Category. One of which all members are a group of Engineering students from the Electronics Interest Group. 

In this competition, the team, from SEG-DEEE and Electronic IG, had created a prototype for radiation to cut down their burden when measuring radiation in the sustainability industry. They had come up with an engineered prototype named “Unmanned Radiation Detecting Vehicle”, also known as URD Vehicle. 

The vehicle allows the workers from far distances to measure radiation from recycled construction materials and will not let them direct radiation exposure when measuring it. Also, they can control it from a computer or phone for their convenience during measurements. 

Unmanned Radiation Detecting Vehicle consists of the robot arm, robot car, and radiation detector which the NUS had provided for us to use it. The measurements can be seen from the Rad-X application which NUS has developed.

Below is the image of their final product: 

Under the guidance of Mr Caleb Tan (EIG advisor), the team had managed to pull through to win the merit award, even after a few problems they faced. The member of the team included Chen Ping (Leader), Osaki, Sherman, and Qiang Huat! 

Below are their head photos for references:

And below are the certifications that they had obtained at the end:

Congratulation to Chen Ping, Sherman, Qiang Huat and Osaki! You have made EIG members proud and inspired by your achievement! We would also like to thank other unmentioned students for their help by their contribution during Phase A and B period of the competition. 

For further references of their competition achievement, it could be referred from the post in School of Engineering in Instagram, which is returned below:

That is everything, thank you!


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