We wish you a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

Indeed, time files and a year passed so fast that we haven't even noticed. Now the time has come to our annual Christmas Party of our EHIG where we are supposed to have a gathering party of all the IG members and committee members! We did plan exciting games and surprises or juniors and seniors or whoever registered to come. Sadly, only 3 people showed up. I supposed the rest might have gone off for their holidays. However, the ones who showed up are two of our seniors and one new generation for our IG! His name is Hao Ran (in green) as you can see him below... That day, all we could do was to chit chat with Hao Ran. Since seniors were also there, it was really lucky for him to meet them and hear about their amazing experiences of our IG. After that, as a tradition, our Advisor, Mr. Caleb, awarded our seniors with the certs for being a part of our EHIG family. Can't stop hoping the same for next year! :') Finally, befo...